Wednesday 13 March 2019

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 - No Need For Your Camping Tools

Once you become better online, you are able to run and cover each entrance route to not need claymores, shock charges or Bouncing Betties. You become your own alert indicator.

Players that use the perk 3 Engineer can see your equipment through walls. Get rid of your equipment have a 2nd perk 3 along with extreme conditioning, use Engineer as your extra perk to find a hunt down campers.

Using Engineer allows you to be able to sprint past bouncing Betties and claymores with enough time to not get affected by them. The shock charge on the other hand will affect you 90% of the time because it has a quicker reaction time than any other tactical or lethal. So if you see an enemy camping in a building somewhere and you can see what equipment they are using try running the way that the shock charge isn't. Running through a Bouncing Betty will give you enough time to kill the enemy and get out of the explosion radius. Running through a shock charge will almost immediately stop you in your tracks leaving you paralyzed and vulnerable too for an easy kill for the enemy.

If someone is running around the map trying to get 918kiss download link as many kills as possible and they see that someone has set up shop in one of the buildings they will go directly towards it because they know that someone is there and that they might get a kill. Because pro players hunt their prey they don't wait around for it expecting to walk past them.

If you are the type of player who doesn't get much exercise in Call Of Duty and prefers to sit back and wait for the enemy, instead of sitting in different corners each time, try patrolling an area. The map is huge and you can't cover all of it by yourself. Depending on the map size try covering about a quarter of the map, try to pick the quarter that will give you the most action, find a few routes that the enemy will usually take and just run around constantly scanning for enemies.

I really would like to steer people away from camping because it does get irritating, having to always run past their equipment and kill and tea bag them. Not necessarily in that order. Anyway, I hope I have steered people away from camping. Even if this only encourages one person to step out of their tent and into the real action, I will be very pleased. Always remember although it can get a bit competitive, it is just a game and only fun is intended.

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